Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Implements New Clean Rooms
Category: Automatic Doors
Products: Clean Room Automatic Sliding Doors
Industry: Manufacturing
Application: Clean Room Environment
A laboratory supplying compounded medications expanded operations and needed 42 clean room automatic sliding doors.
The interior of the building for the growing lab had to be gutted and redeveloped as a clean room environment. In addition, the specifications called for hands-free operation for the sake of convenience as well as moving fragile contents between rooms.
The lab also needed the doors to be programmed in a specific sequence where one door opened and then closed before opening the next doorway. Configuring the door operations in this manner was a vital requirement to optimize the integrity of the clean room.
DH Pace provided and installed the 42 clean room doors with access devices operated by hand wave to open functionality for hands-free use. The wave plates allowed employees to pass through doors without physically touching them. To further support the clean room requirements, the Company recommended to install the door operators facing the exterior of the opening, as opposed to the interior, to mitigate any potential contamination.
The Company also provided approved wiring specifically for clean room applications. Both the clean room doors and the wiring met International Standards Organization (ISO) standards for operational requirements.
With this expansion, the lab’s physical footprint grew six times the size of their original facility. The additional clean rooms provided the space to add new features for their sterile compound operations.